Home » Lirik Lagu » Lirik Lagu Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove

Lirik Lagu Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove

Posted on 23/08/2024 by ◦ Views: 2x ◦ Category: Lirik Lagu

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I know that this could hurt me bad
I know that this could feel like that
But I just can’t stop
Let my defences drop
I know that I was born to kill
Any angel on my windowsill
But it’s so dark inside
I throw the windows wide

I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Still I don’t let go
And fields of flowers grow

Oh, it feels like
I’m fallin’ in love
Maybe for the first time
Baby, it’s my mind you blow
It feels like
I’m fallin’ in love
You’re throwin’ me a lifeline
This is for a lifetime, I know

I know that in this kind of scene
Of two people there’s a spark between
One gets torn apart
One gets a broken heart

I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
I know, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Still I don’t let go
And fields of flowers grow
forex vps
Oh, it feels like
I’m fallin’ in love
Maybe for the first time
Baby, it’s my mind you blow
It feels like
I’m fallin’ in love
You’re throwin’ me a lifeline
This is for a lifetime, I know

Ooh (Feels like)

It feels like
I’m fallin’ in love
You’re throwin’ me a lifeline
Oh, now for the first time
I know I’m not alone

Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo, oh
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo
Ah-la-la, la-la, lo-lee-lo, oh



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Lirik Lagu Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove

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Lirik Lagu Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove

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